I decided it was time to create a public blog for our family and friends to get updates on what is going on with us. I have my photography blog (
www.lisacollinsworthphotography.blogspot.com) and David has his worship leader blog (
worshipleaderledges.blogspot.com), but I wanted to create a blog dedicated to everything Collinsworth!
For starters, we are going to have another baby!!! We found out on December 27th and we were so excited. Last month was a difficult month for us. I had taken a pregnancy test and it was positive, but just 4 days later I had another early miscarriage (I've had one similar to this previously). But it didn't take long at all for me to get pregnant again and everything seems to be going well so far. Today I am 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant!

On New Year's Day we had a late Christmas with my family at my brother's house. My mom and dad, Jason and Esther, and my cousin Jessica were all there. Our friends Dewayne and Brandi (who are also expecting) and Brien and Hannah were also there. We had a big turkey dinner and then opened Christmas presents. When everyone was just about done opening presents, I snuck out of the room with Ethan and changed him into a shirt that said, "Big Brother" on it (see pic below). I sent him back into the living room to show his Mammaw and Pappaw his new shirt. It took them a moment to realize what it meant, then everyone started clapping. It was an exciting moment.
We were hoping to tell David's family in person, but we didn't know how long it would be before we would see them again (since we had just spent Christmas Day with them) and we just couldn't wait, so we called all of them and announced the good news. The baby is due on 9-9-09 and my first ultrasound will be on Feb. 3rd when I'm almost 9 weeks. It's SO hard being patient until then!!!
I will try to post belly pics regularly as it grows! Can't wait for Ethan to be a big brother!!!
09-09-09 due date, huh? If so, you could probably get on the news or something. Congrats!!!