I didn't want yesterday to end. I felt like it was another step....getting further and further away from the time that Noah lived. I just don't like it. It's like another ending. The time that my pregnancy was supposed to last...over. September 9th has come and gone. We really had a good day. I was sort of numb all day (I felt your prayers!) and didn't cry very much. We decided we wanted to do something special as a family. We each wrote a letter to Noah and tied them to balloons. Since Ethan is only 3 and can't really write a letter, he colored a picture of Thomas the Train and said he wanted to send it to Noah. We went out to Noah's grave and our first attempt at the balloon release didn't work...our letters were too heavy. We just put mine and David's letters on Noah's grave and then sent Ethan's picture up with the balloons. Ethan was very excited about giving Noah his picture that he carefully colored (in the lines).


My wonderful brother and sis-in-law sent us a beautiful bouquet of daisies (my favorite!) reminding us that they were remembering Noah with us....

Yesterday is gone. We can only hang on to the memory of it. We celebrate this day as another day the Lord has made. We look forward to tomorrow....another day closer to Heaven.
We would still love for you to add a story to Noah's Memorial Site if you would like (see previous post for details). It's also never too late to give to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (also see previous post for details on this) and help Nate reach his goal! Thank you so much for those of you who already gave in honor of Noah!
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