And now I would like to introduce you to a blog friend of mine. Her name is Danielle and her blog is

This is her story....
If you live in Tennessee, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take the time to sign her petition and let all of your friends and even your churches know about the petition!!!
Her son was born ALIVE, but the state of Tennessee doesn't even recognize it. She desperately wants her child's life recognized and to get a birth certificate (for live birth)...but her son is being listed as stillborn.
We are so thankful that even though Noah was stillborn, we can still get a birth certificate for him in the state of Georgia! That's because 2 women (just like my blog friend) fought for it and Sonny Perdue signed the bill just last year! It's called the CBRS (Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth). I'm SO thankful that these women fought for my son Noah and for moms just like me who have lost their children. My child's life is recognized even though he never breathed a single breath. So I can just imagine the agony my friend is going through having her child born ALIVE and still unable to get a birth certificate. Again, please sign the petition if you are a resident of Tennessee and pass it on to others that you know. Her goal is to get 1000 people to far she has about 163. Please sign and help Danielle and so many other mothers!!!
Thank you Lisa for posting this!