Reality sets in tomorrow as I go back to work after 8 weeks of being at home. This is NOT how I thought these 8 weeks would be. I'm REALLY having a hard time with going back to work. I guess I'm just scared to face it....the memories, the customers with the sad looks and "I'm so sorry to hear about your loss...", having to answer questions about what happened, having to put on a happy face because that's what my job requires. I really do LOVE my co-workers. I am VERY blessed that I am actually friends with most all of them, but I honestly just wish I was going to work somewhere else just so I don't have to face all of those things. I'm sure I will probably feel better after the first week...after all the shock of returning has subsided.
While this was not at all the way I thought life would be over these last 8 weeks, I am thankful that I got to spend so much time with my family. We've been to Tybee Island, to Dahlonega, to Stone Mountain, to Macon, to Blue Ridge, and to Helen. We've gone bowling, swimming, gone to the park, tubing down the river in Helen, played trivia, and celebrated my 29th Birthday. My arms have felt empty, but life has been full. I am thankful for that.
It's a long road ahead. Life after Noah.
....ready or not.
I love you Lisa and am Praying that your week will be blessed