My blood pressure was high all morning yesterday, but I insisted that we wait to go to the hospital....because there was absolutely NO WAY I was going to miss my child's memorial service. Thankfully, my doctor and one of the nurses from the hospital were at the service. Afterwards, my blood pressure was 180/121, so my doctor followed us to the hospital and was able to get us straight into a room. I was devastated when they said I would have to stay for the night to monitor my BP. I wanted nothing more than to go home and spend time with family, hug Ethan, and just cry. It was a miserable night, but my BP is under control and I came back home this morning. Thank you again for the prayers and I'm so sorry for those of you that I didn't get to spend time with while you were here.
David and I were so encouraged by all of you who came to Noah's memorial service yesterday. We know that so many of you drove great distances to be there and it meant so much to us. The service was beautiful and we want to thank all of you who helped make it so meaningful for us. I know there were so many people who did so many things to make the service special, but there are a few I would like to specifically thank.....
Greg, thank you for starting off the service and playing the guitar while people arrived. You and Kathy are such great friends to us and we are so lucky to have you in our lives!
Brien, you sang so beautifully! "All the way my Savior leads me...." It was just perfect. You and Hannah are so dear to us.
Esther, my sweet sister-in-law, you and Jason have been incredible to us this whole week. You've cleaned for us, cried with us, taken care of Ethan for us, gotten food for us, and you wrote a beautiful poem for us. Thank you SO MUCH for everything. We love you! Thank you for reading the poem at the burial and the memorial. I know it was tough to get through. It was so beautiful.
Philip, you were such an encouragement to us and you and Angela are the best friends we could ever ask for. I know it's so hard to come up with the words to say in a time like this, but God used you to minister to us in a great way.
Brad, you have an amazing gift and you used technology to move in the hearts of people in that room. I've gotten so many comments and messages about how moving the video was. I know the song is very moving, but you did an excellent job of setting up the video and all the things you put on the screen throughout the service were so special to us. I cannot thank you enough for all that you did!!!! And you make things look so incredible even when you are asked to do something at the last minute.
There are so many others that we need to thank individually. So many cards, flowers, notes of encouragement and lots and lots of food. WOW! The food just keeps coming and we appreciate it so very much.
We hope to have a podcast of the memorial up soon for those of you who missed it. Brad is also working on getting the slideshow up that he showed at the memorial. We will link to that as soon as it's up.
First, here is the poem that Esther wrote and then below are a few photos from the site where Noah was buried.
Sweet Noah
As we each looked forward to the day you’d arrive,
We dreamed of how you would brighten our lives.
The pride and joy of your father and mother,
Your coming would make little Ethan big brother.
In an instant we learned that your time had been brief,
Leaving each one of us to suffer much grief.
Our arms are now empty and our hearts are now broken,
We weep for lost possibilities and words left unspoken.
Though it seems we are separated by a great distance,
You were one moment’s proof of Heaven’s existence.
Assured that our Father has a master plan,
We entrust your spirit to the palm of His hand.
-Aunt Esther and Uncle Jason

David and I were so encouraged by all of you who came to Noah's memorial service yesterday. We know that so many of you drove great distances to be there and it meant so much to us. The service was beautiful and we want to thank all of you who helped make it so meaningful for us. I know there were so many people who did so many things to make the service special, but there are a few I would like to specifically thank.....
Greg, thank you for starting off the service and playing the guitar while people arrived. You and Kathy are such great friends to us and we are so lucky to have you in our lives!
Brien, you sang so beautifully! "All the way my Savior leads me...." It was just perfect. You and Hannah are so dear to us.
Esther, my sweet sister-in-law, you and Jason have been incredible to us this whole week. You've cleaned for us, cried with us, taken care of Ethan for us, gotten food for us, and you wrote a beautiful poem for us. Thank you SO MUCH for everything. We love you! Thank you for reading the poem at the burial and the memorial. I know it was tough to get through. It was so beautiful.
Philip, you were such an encouragement to us and you and Angela are the best friends we could ever ask for. I know it's so hard to come up with the words to say in a time like this, but God used you to minister to us in a great way.
Brad, you have an amazing gift and you used technology to move in the hearts of people in that room. I've gotten so many comments and messages about how moving the video was. I know the song is very moving, but you did an excellent job of setting up the video and all the things you put on the screen throughout the service were so special to us. I cannot thank you enough for all that you did!!!! And you make things look so incredible even when you are asked to do something at the last minute.
There are so many others that we need to thank individually. So many cards, flowers, notes of encouragement and lots and lots of food. WOW! The food just keeps coming and we appreciate it so very much.
We hope to have a podcast of the memorial up soon for those of you who missed it. Brad is also working on getting the slideshow up that he showed at the memorial. We will link to that as soon as it's up.
First, here is the poem that Esther wrote and then below are a few photos from the site where Noah was buried.
Sweet Noah
As we each looked forward to the day you’d arrive,
We dreamed of how you would brighten our lives.
The pride and joy of your father and mother,
Your coming would make little Ethan big brother.
In an instant we learned that your time had been brief,
Leaving each one of us to suffer much grief.
Our arms are now empty and our hearts are now broken,
We weep for lost possibilities and words left unspoken.
Though it seems we are separated by a great distance,
You were one moment’s proof of Heaven’s existence.
Assured that our Father has a master plan,
We entrust your spirit to the palm of His hand.
-Aunt Esther and Uncle Jason
Hey Lisa...I was reminded of a song this morning that Michael W. Smith wrote for some friends who lost a baby boy named Noah. If you don't know the song and would like to hear it/read the words, let me know.